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Thème : Fjord

Tourisme et FLE : la région du Saguenay entre fjord et festival de musique ! | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Partez pour le fjord du Saguenay, une vallée aux mille facettes !

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Tourisme et FLE : l'île de Terre-Neuve et ses orignaux ! | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Tous à la French Shore, à Terre-Neuve, avec ses icebergs, ses petits villages côtiers, son site viking, ses activités de découverte de la faune et la flore.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Le 31 décembre à Stavanger

Comment se passe le réveillon du Nouvel An en Europe du Nord ? Petit tour à Stavanger. Révisez le vocabulaire de la fête et l’accord des adjectifs.

exercice b1 le 31 decembre a stavanger comment se passe le reveillon du nouvel an en europe du nord petit tour a stavanger revisez le vocabulaire de la fete et l accord des adjectifs publie le 21 12 2022 11 47modifie le 21 12 2022 11 51 1 mn has transcription true contentid 04f4e8ca 807a 11ed 9aaa 005056a97652 contenttype articles mediaid wbmz12344 fle fr 20221220 sources name wbmz12344 fle fr 20221220 url https aod fle akamaized net fle sounds fr 2022 12 20 2f3c5940 8077 11ed 93a6 005056bf762b mp3 duration 72 94 broadcasttype replay emission id title genre diffusion id title le 31 d u00e9cembre u00e0 stavanger image duration pubdate url https francaisfacile rfi fr fr actualit c3 a9 20221221 le 31 d c3 a9cembre c3 a0 stavanger title le 31 d u00e9cembre u00e0 stavanger mediaimage la ville de stavanger en norvege wikimediacommons par delphine barreau exercice extrait du 7 milliards de voisins du 31 decembre 2013 lexique la fete un reveillon une boisson alcoolisee tirer un feu d artifice splendide documents a telecharger fiche apprenant e pdf corriges pdf transcription pdf tout telecharger pdf doc mp3 tous les episodes de 8 milliards de voisins suivez toute l actualite internationale en telechargeant l application rfi cls 6 fill fff stroke fff stroke miterlimit 10 stroke width 2px transcription ouvrir le pdf on est en ligne avec une voisine qui nous appelle de norvege bonjour anne oui bonjour et bonjour a tous les voisins les voisines alors la fete chez vous vous etes a stavanger dans le sud ouest du pays oui est ce que je prononce bien oui c est ca ca va bien sur la cote sud ouest de la norvege mmmm alors un petit reveillon bien tranquille ou pas vraiment alors pour moi ca va etre un peu tranquille mais ce n est pas le cas de la plupart en general c est beaucoup de boissons alcoolisees tres alcoolisees et ce n est pas comme chez nous il n y a pas de reveillon on ne porte pas l attention sur la nourriture c est plutot donc selon la boisson mais le point fort moi je trouve c est les feux d artifice et les sirenes des bateaux dans tous les fjords donc auparavant les feux d artifice ils les tiraient individuellement donc il y en avait un peu partout c etait un peu dangereux parce que nos maisons sont en bois il y a regulierement des incidents maintenant la ville s est un peu organisee pour faire des gros feux d artifice par quartiers et donc on monte sur une butte et puis on voit tous ces feux d artifice sur les iles sur les communes voisines sur les quartiers voisins et c est tout a fait splendide partager poursuivez votre lecture sur les memes themes exercice a2 savez vous que les cadeaux de noel polluent journal en francais facile 08 01 2024 russie habitants de belgorod evacues gaza 100 journalistes tues france changement d equipe gouvernementale 10 00 has transcription true contentid d302ef24 ae40 11ee b4a5 005056a97652 contenttype editions mediaid be c6e6ae1c 96a3 40f6 bf6c cbc28cf57e6d sources name be c6e6ae1c 96a3 40f6 bf6c cbc28cf57e6d url https aod fle akamaized net rfi francais audio jff 202401 journal francais facile 16h00 16h10 gmt 20240108 mp3 duration 600 broadcasttype replay emission id wbmz39 fle fr 20220627 title journal en fran u00e7ais facile genre diffusion id title russie habitants de belgorod u00e9vacu u00e9s gaza 100 journalistes tu u00e9s france changement d u00e9quipe gouvernementale image type image url https s francaisfacile rfi fr media display 7b10ad3e ae44 11ee 976f 005056a90284 belgorod jpg title belgorod legend les pompiers u00e9teignent une voiture en feu u00e0 la suite de ce qui serait un bombardement des forces ukrainiennes u00e0 belgorod en russie le 30 d u00e9cembre 2023 dans cette image tir u00e9e d une vid u00e9o alt les pompiers u00e9teignent une voiture en feu u00e0 la suite de ce qui serait un bombardement des forces ukrainiennes u00e0 belgorod en russie le 30 d u00e9cembre 2023 dans cette image tir u00e9e d une vid u00e9o credits u00a9 via reuters russian emergencies ministry mediapath medi

Les graphies de -or

orthographe d usage orthographe d usage les graphies de or graphies en position finale 1 les graphies de or quittant le confort du salon il sortit dehors les arbres formaient un decor surreel insonore a cause de la neige sans plus tarder il prit la route du nord observation les mots dont la finale sonore est or sont peu nombreux en francais paradoxale ment selon l etymologie des mots il existe neuf graphies pour reproduire ce son a l ecrit les regles enumerent les differentes graphies a utiliser mais n expliquent pas a vrai dire comment les choisir selon le cas c est pourquoi elles sont donnees sans commentaires avec seulement les exemples pour chaque finale a vous de dresser une liste des mots qui posent probleme a l aide des exercices et des experiences personnelles dans le doute la consultation du dictionnaire reste une excellente habitude vous pou vez aussi copier dans un calepin personnel les mots qui vous font hesiter c est la meilleure facon de bien les memoriser rappel des regles les finales en ore chlore flore folklore metaphore meteore oxymore phosphore pore incolore indolore inodore multicolore omnivore sonore etc les finales en or alligator castor cor corridor decor essor fluor major or transistor tresor etc les finales en ort confort consort effort port ressort sort sport support transport etc les finales en ord accord babord bord fjord hors bord lord nord raccord record tribord etc a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or 2 les finales en ors alors dehors lors mors retors tors etc les finales en aure centaure dinosaure maure tyrannosaure etc attention le mot corps et ses derives se terminent par orps anticorps arriere corps avant corps corps garde corps haut le corps justau corps etc deux mots rebelles remords porc a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or 3 exercices trouvez l intrus mal orthographie parmi les listes suivantes et corrigez le exercice 1 1 accord aeroport alors amphor 2 anticorp au dehors aurore bicolore 3 bord bore budgetivore carnivor 4 castore centaure chlore clore 5 coffre fort condor confort corp exercice 2 1 corridor croque mort corps decort 2 dinosaure drugstore eclor effort 3 encore essore etat major fjord 4 fluor folklor for fort 5 hor junior garde corps granivore exercice 3 ajoutez la finale qui convient exemple multicol multicolore aerop alligat antic amph brontos corrid deh desacc folkl reb ret rem supp a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or exercice 4 4 completez les espaces par une des graphies de or 1 l aur correspond a l amorce de l ess du soleil la faune et la fl com mencent enc une nouvelle journee 2 anaph metaph oxym sont des mots qui irritent mes p autant affronter un boa constrict un alligat un cond ou pourquoi pas un cast enrage 3 h l epoque de la prehistoire il serait surprenant de rencontrer un brontos 4 le mil portait al un justauc dont l etat des reb prouvait qu il avait subi moult transp 5 depuis que je m adonne regulierement a un sp je me sens comme sur un ress serais je prete a battre de nouveaux rec a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or 5 corrige exercice 2 1 decor 2 eclore 3 essor 4 folklore 5 hors exercice 1 1 amphore 2 anticorps 3 carnivore 4 castor 5 corps exercice 3 aeroport alligator anticorps amphore brontosaure corridor dehors desaccord folklore rebord retors remords support exercice 4 1 l aurore correspond a l amorce de l essor du soleil la faune et la flore commencent encore une nouvelle journee 2 anaphore metaphore oxymore sont des mots qui irritent mes pores autant affronter un boa constrictor un alligator un condor ou pourquoi pas un castor enrage 3 hors l epoque de la prehistoire il serait surprenant de rencontrer un brontosaure 4 le mi

Les graphies de -or

orthographe d usage orthographe d usage les graphies de or graphies en position finale 1 les graphies de or quittant le confort du salon il sortit dehors les arbres formaient un decor surreel insonore a cause de la neige sans plus tarder il prit la route du nord observation les mots dont la finale sonore est or sont peu nombreux en francais paradoxale ment selon l etymologie des mots il existe neuf graphies pour reproduire ce son a l ecrit les regles enumerent les differentes graphies a utiliser mais n expliquent pas a vrai dire comment les choisir selon le cas c est pourquoi elles sont donnees sans commentaires avec seulement les exemples pour chaque finale a vous de dresser une liste des mots qui posent probleme a l aide des exercices et des experiences personnelles dans le doute la consultation du dictionnaire reste une excellente habitude vous pou vez aussi copier dans un calepin personnel les mots qui vous font hesiter c est la meilleure facon de bien les memoriser rappel des regles les finales en ore chlore flore folklore metaphore meteore oxymore phosphore pore incolore indolore inodore multicolore omnivore sonore etc les finales en or alligator castor cor corridor decor essor fluor major or transistor tresor etc les finales en ort confort consort effort port ressort sort sport support transport etc les finales en ord accord babord bord fjord hors bord lord nord raccord record tribord etc a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or 2 les finales en ors alors dehors lors mors retors tors etc les finales en aure centaure dinosaure maure tyrannosaure etc attention le mot corps et ses derives se terminent par orps anticorps arriere corps avant corps corps garde corps haut le corps justau corps etc deux mots rebelles remords porc a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or 3 exercices trouvez l intrus mal orthographie parmi les listes suivantes et corrigez le exercice 1 1 accord aeroport alors amphor 2 anticorp au dehors aurore bicolore 3 bord bore budgetivore carnivor 4 castore centaure chlore clore 5 coffre fort condor confort corp exercice 2 1 corridor croque mort corps decort 2 dinosaure drugstore eclor effort 3 encore essore etat major fjord 4 fluor folklor for fort 5 hor junior garde corps granivore exercice 3 ajoutez la finale qui convient exemple multicol multicolore aerop alligat antic amph brontos corrid deh desacc folkl reb ret rem supp a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or exercice 4 4 completez les espaces par une des graphies de or 1 l aur correspond a l amorce de l ess du soleil la faune et la fl com mencent enc une nouvelle journee 2 anaph metaph oxym sont des mots qui irritent mes p autant affronter un boa constrict un alligat un cond ou pourquoi pas un cast enrage 3 h l epoque de la prehistoire il serait surprenant de rencontrer un brontos 4 le mil portait al un justauc dont l etat des reb prouvait qu il avait subi moult transp 5 depuis que je m adonne regulierement a un sp je me sens comme sur un ress serais je prete a battre de nouveaux rec a c c q d m d c c w w w d m d c c u d s i a c n a r f e d s e c i c r e x e s e l orthographe d usage les graphies de or 5 corrige exercice 2 1 decor 2 eclore 3 essor 4 folklore 5 hors exercice 1 1 amphore 2 anticorps 3 carnivore 4 castor 5 corps exercice 3 aeroport alligator anticorps amphore brontosaure corridor dehors desaccord folklore rebord retors remords support exercice 4 1 l aurore correspond a l amorce de l essor du soleil la faune et la flore commencent encore une nouvelle journee 2 anaphore metaphore oxymore sont des mots qui irritent mes pores autant affronter un boa constrictor un alligator un condor ou pourquoi pas un castor enrage 3 hors l epoque de la prehistoire il serait surprenant de rencontrer un brontosaure 4 le mi

Chanson en FLE : enseigner le français avec Merlot - Hello – TV5MONDE | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

« Hello Mademoiselle, hello Milady, parlez-vous français, connaissez-vous Paris ? » Découvrir la capitale française sous un autre angle.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Chanson et FLE : faire une déclaration d'amour à une ville en cours de FLE. Fiches pédagogiques niveaux A2 et B2 | Enseigner le

Angèle chante son amour pour sa ville natale, Bruxelles.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Tourisme et FLE : à la recherche du légendaire Sasquatch ! | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Découvrez la région de l’île de Vancouver et ses environs : Victoria, capitale de la Colombie-Britannique, CowichanBay, Nanaïmo et son dessert et son festival maritime et le Parc provincial MacMillan-Cathedral Grove.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Tourisme et FLE : connaissez-vous Ottawa, la capitale du Canada ? | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Capitale nationale, Ottawa est une ville à découvrir, avec son vieux marché et « ses queues de castor ».

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Tourisme et FLE : plutôt cabane à sucre ou hôtel de glace ? | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Découvrez la région de Québec et ses nombreux attraits sportifs et culturels !

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Chanson en FLE : enseigner le français avec Wendy Nazaré & Pep's - Lisboa – TV5MONDE | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Des vacances à Lisbonne ?Rédiger un récit de voyage.

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido

Parler de voyages en classe de FLE | Enseigner le français avec TV5MONDE

Le routard Antoine de Maximy vous fait voyager autrement !

didomi host didomi components button cursor pointer display block height 38px padding 0 20px font size 16px line height 18px font weight bold text align center color 555 background color eee border solid 1px rgba 34 34 34 2 didomi host didomi components button disabled opacity 4 cursor initial didomi host didomi components button span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components button font size 14px didomi host didomi screen xsmall didomi components button padding 0 10px didomi host didomi components radio display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components radio option margin right 5px cursor pointer height 25px box shadow 1px 1px 0 0 rgba 0 0 0 1 background color fff border solid 1px eee padding 0 20px line height 12px font size 12px color 757575 font weight bold transition background color 200ms border color 200ms transition timing function ease didomi host didomi components radio option hover color 757575 border color 757575 didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 0 dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option last child margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 5px dir rtl didomi host didomi components radio option first child margin right 0 didomi host didomi components radio option svg margin right 5px didomi host didomi components radio option span background rgba 0 0 0 0 didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree background color 3d8548 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 11 5px didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option agree svg vertical align middle didomi host didomi components radio option didomi components radio option disagree background color e60000 color fff border solid 1px rgba 0 0 0 3 padding 0 13 5px didomi host didomi components radio option reporting box sizing border box didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option disagree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option reporting didomi radio option agree to all font size 12px important didomi host didomi components radio option accepter box sizing border box didomi host didomi components accordion flex 5 didomi host didomi components accordion label click cursor pointer didomi host didomi components accordion trigger icon width 15px font size 16px display inline block text align center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content display none overflow hidden max height 0 opacity 0 visibility hidden font weight 300 text align justify transition all 1s ease in out transition property opacity max height transform visibility padding bottom didomi host didomi components accordion didomi content active display block max height 3000px opacity 1 visibility visible padding bottom 10px transition property opacity max height transform visibility overflow visible didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction row flex direction row webkit flex pack justify moz justify content space between justify content space between moz align items center align items center didomi host didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container label click flex 2 didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion width 100 flex 1 auto didomi host didomi mobile didomi components accordion didomi components accordion label container display webkit flexbox display flex moz flex direction column flex direction column webkit flex pack start moz justify content flex start justify content flex start moz align items flex start align items flex start didomi host lds ellipsis container display flex align items center justify content center height 100 dido